Protection of Industrial design in India


        “Design” signifies just the highlights of shape, arrangement, example, adornment or organization of lines or shadings applied to any article whether in two dimensional or three dimensional or in the two structures. It may be any modern cycle or means, regardless of whether manual, mechanical or synthetic, independent or joined, which…

What are the important characteristics of design registration?


          In our daily life, we encounter various encounter objects that we can identify by observing their design. Products that have artistically designed can attract the customer’s attention at the time they see it. These designs can take the form of art, drawings, graphics, etc. These designs can have creation by…

Start-ups in India to have benefit under new design rules


      India’s new reform of its design rules  for design registration will greatly benefit start-ups and small organizations seeking design registration. The revised design rules now identify “start-ups” as a separate category of applicants and reduce overall filing and proceeding fees for smaller companies. This amendment is in line with the amendments had…

New Design rules to benefit the start-up


    Design is the decorative or aesthetic aspect of an article. The purpose of the Act is to preserve the aesthetic shape, not the functional or functional shape. To obtain legal protection under the Designs Act, 2000, the design must meet the defining requirements of Section 2 (d). The definition reads as follows: “Design”…

Design registration in Chennai


    In India, the protection of design was necessary. In the 18th century and hence the Methods and Design Protection Act had its introduction in 1872. The law gave inventors the exclusive right to make and sell designs for a short period of time. The Act was followed by the Inventions and Design Act…

What is meant by Design registration in Chennai T-Nagar?


    Design registration in Chennai T.Nagar has mention under the Two Dimensional or Three Dimensional Design Act 2000 which applies to any article of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament or composition or color or combination of lines. Design registration in Chennai T.Nagar is similar to copyright registration, patent or trademark registration. And a kind…

Design registration in T. Nagar Chennai – An overview


A Design registration in India is an assurance over the highlights of shape, arrangement, example or trimming or organization of lines;  thereof applied to any article which gives it an unmistakable visual appearance. The design registration in T.Nagar Chennai – An overview suggests it should be new or unique, not having recent distribution or utilized…